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WCCES-Brill Book Series

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Aims & Scope


The aims of WCCES-Brill Book Series are:

-To promote research in comparative education in English language.

-To offer a platform to share conceptual/theoretical perspectives, results of empirical research with different methodologies.

-To contribute to strengthening the capacity of the WCCES by utilizing comparative education to promote further global understanding and collaboration to emulate the idea of our interdependence and common humanity.


The readership of the book series comprises of students, scholars, practitioners, teachers of all levels of the educational systems, especially at the tertiary level, researchers, and government officials dealing with education in their respective regions with interest in comparative education.


Peer Review Process


WCCES-Brill Book Series is a peer-reviewed publication with review time ranging between 2 to 6 months. At least three external reviewers are assigned to each article for review in a given time frame, excluding any member of the editorial team. The identity/ties of the author(s) is/are not known to the reviewer(s) and vice-versa.

Cover Image WCCES-021-Waghid & Alasfour_cover_edited.avif

Latest Book Released in the WCCES-Brill Book Series

Submission Guidelines


Review Time Line
The Book Series’ goal is to have all blind reviews completed normally within 10 weeks after submission.  This time frame begins after the  author(s) have submitted the full manuscript within the guidelines indicated in this document under the section entitled “STEP #1: Full Manuscript Submission Process”.   
The Book Series is published by Brill with copyright owned by WCCES.

  • English

STEP #1: Full Manuscript Submission Process
Please register yourself and then, submit your full paper through the below button after fulfilling the following requirements:




In case of any difficulty in submitting your paper through the Book Series Submissions System, please send an email to:

Author(s) Identification
Due to the blind-review process, submitted manuscripts cannot have any text or wording that indicates authorship.  Manuscripts that indicate author(s) will not be considered for publication.

Provide an abstract on 1st page of manuscript (maximum 300 words)
Provide 5-8 keywords on manuscript’s 1st page
Word Count

  • Not to exceed the word counts listed below (excluding references).  Pre-approval from editors will need to be received to exceed this maximum word length

    • English: 10,000 words

  • Abstract: Not to exceed the word counts listed below

    • English: 300 words

Originality and Ownership
Manuscripts will not be considered if published elsewhere. Material submitted for publication must be accurate and in conformity with ethical guidelines.
Topics Considered for Publication
Please refer to the Book Series' description for relevance of topics.
Formatting (submission for review)
File Format
MS Word or Adobe Acrobat (PDF)

  • Not to exceed 20% of total article text length (in APA formatting)

    • pre-approval from editors will need to be received to exceed this maximum

  • All copyright issues must be completed by author(s)

  • Image Format

    • Place within manuscript

    • See Manuscripts Requirements (Post-Acceptance) section for image formatting requirements for publication

APA (American Psychological Association), 6th edition (
Revised Manuscripts Requirements (Post-Review)
Submit response cover letter with revised manuscript
STEP #2: Manuscripts Requirements (Post-Acceptance of Full Manuscript)
Details of each author:

  • primary institution,

  • title(s),

  • primary email address,

  • online profile from primary institution,

  • affiliation(s) of WCCES society(ies), and

  • bio that does not exceed 200 words for each author.

Final Manuscript Format

  • MS Word

Final Images Format

  • Sent images as separate files from manuscript

    • File formats: JPEG, BMP, TIFF, PNG, EPS

    • Minimum Resolution 300 dpi

  • Provide copyright information on request

WCCES Secretariat
UNESCO International Bureau of Education
15, Route des Morillons
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva, Switzerland

T: +1-(607) 255-7839

F: +1-(607) 255-0784

© 2025 by WCCES

WCCES is a non-profit association under Art 60ff ZGB of Swiss law and a tax-exempt non-profit association under section 501(c)(3) of Title 26 of the Code of Laws of the United States of America.

Global Comparative Education (GCE) and World Voices Nexus (WVN) are open-access journals published by WCCES and licensed under: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 

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